J. Kevin Duplechain, MD, FACS
1103 Kaliste Saloom Road #300
Lafayette, LA 70508
Phone: (337) 456-3282
Monday–Thursday : 8 a.m.–4:45 p.m. Friday : 8 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Hair Restoration (NeoGraft)
Regardless of your age or gender, losing your hair can have deep effects on your sense of personal confidence and well-being. Board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. J. Kevin Duplechain understands these feelings, which is why he’s committed to making effective hair restoration easier and more accessible. Hair transplant patients in Lafayette, Baton Rouge, and other Louisiana communities now have an exciting option for filling in areas of thinning hair without scars or excessive downtime. It’s called NeoGraft — and the results can be astounding.
Dr. Duplechain can help replenish your thinning hair with NeoGraft. He and his staff look forward to helping you turn your aesthetic goals into a reality. If you would like to learn more about hair transplant surgery or any of the other procedures we offer, request a consultation online or call our office at (337) 456-3282.
To understand the advantages of FDA-cleared NeoGraft, it’s important to understand how it differs from previous hair restoration methods. For years, the most common surgical option for men and women facing hair loss was the strip method, which required harvesting a large strip of skin from another area, typically the back of the head. Although later techniques for strip procedures created much more favorable, discreet results than earlier approaches, some patients still had concerns about the invasiveness of the procedure, as well as the resulting scars.
NeoGraft relies on a method called follicular unit extraction, or FUE. Rather than requiring the removal of a large strip of skin, a NeoGraft procedure uses individual follicles harvested using an automated handpiece. As a result, NeoGraft doesn’t create a linear scar, and patients typically have no visible scarring. This minimizes healing time, and there are no sutures to be removed. Because individual follicles are harvested and then transplanted, there is no “plug” or “corn row” appearance to the transplanted hair. Often times, PRP therapy is combined with the NeoGraft procedure, especially with women, to help “fertilize” the scalp and promote healing.
“Extremely loving and attentive staff. Very accommodating to patients and thorough explanation of all procedures. Dr. Kevin is warm and welcoming as well as super charismatic. I had a Neograft done, installed 2061 grafts. I look and feel amazing. Thank you Dr. Kevin and entire staff!” Xan J.
Dr. Duplechain Explains Your Hair Transplant
NeoGraft is appropriate for both men and women in search of a reliable, long-term solution to thinning hair, and it’s an especially good match for patients who want to spend a minimal amount of time recuperating at home, as well as those who prefer wearing short hairstyles without worrying about the appearance of a scar. Similarly, NeoGraft doesn’t require any significant post-procedure activity restriction, so it’s a good fit for active people. However, it’s not always ideal for everyone. During your initial consultation, we’ll discuss your history of hair loss, as well as your overall health. I’ll ask you many questions about your lifestyle and habits and perform a physical examination of your scalp to ensure that NeoGraft is likely to give you the results you want.
Over the course of a few months, the transplanted follicles will shed and regrow just like your natural hair. Although your complete results can take up to 1 year to develop, you’ll likely notice an improvement well before then. As your new hair grows, you can groom and style it just as you normally would. These transplanted hair follicles will continue to grow hair as long as they would have in the donor site, which for most people means indefinitely.
Because hair loss often occurs as the result of aging, the youthful-looking results of your NeoGraft procedure may be further complemented by other non-surgical procedures, such as BOTOX® Cosmetic or dermal fillers. Dr. Duplechain can help you determine the best course of action for you during your consultation.
Areas Served:
- Lafayette
- Baton Rouge
- Alexandria
- Lake Charles